2025 Annual Show

Keep watching our Facebook Page and Here for show Updates!

If your interested in advertising in our Annual Show Playbill please email us at Lakeplainschorus1@gmail.com for more information! The deadline is Monday, April 6th!



If you have a festival, fair, or community event you would like our chorus to sing at please contact us!

lakeplainschorus@outlook.com or Lakeplainschorus1@gmail.com

Summer Sing-Outs 2025

To Be Announced Soon!

Guest Night!!!

Chorus Rehearsals AND CHORUS ACTIVITES have resumed!

Every Monday evening is a Guest Night! LADies and Gentlemen come and visit us, see what four part close harmony is all about. We have members in Fostoria, Findlay, Tiffin, Port Clinton area, Bellevue.
Car Pooling options are almost always available!
Do you like to sing and enjoy good times?
We meet every Monday night from 7:15pm-9:45pm at the Wesley United Methodist Church 1200 Van Buren St. Fostoria, Ohio
We have a fun night planned come and join us!
We are always looking for singers who have a hunger for singing 4 part close harmony.

About Us

The Fostoria Lake Plains Chorus began in 1962, headed by Dick Lee, Larry Strahm, Glenn Quisinberry, and other men who loved to harmonize. The original music director was Howard Reddick. Some early chapter quartets included the Elks Club Four, the Seneca Lads, the Bar-B-Que 4, and the Four Winds.

Our first shows were held in the old Fostoria High School auditorium, but we quickly made the “new” Performing Arts Center our home when it opened.

Our chapter has performed all over this part of Ohio, at every county fair in our territory, at local celebrations, concerts in the park, church services, funerals–virtually anywhere you can fit a group of guys and a pitchpipe.

In our shows, we’ve hosted 12 International champion quartets: Suntones (1961 champs), Auto Towners (’66), Happiness Emporium (’75), Bluegrass Student Union (’78), Acoustix (’90), The Ritz (’91), Gas House Gang (’93), Jokers Wild (’94), Yesteryear (’97), Revival (’98), FRED (’99), and Four Voices (’02), Max-Q (’08), and will host 2009 international champion Crossroads on our in April 2017 show..

We’ve also hosted a couple Sweet Adeline Champs: Sounds of Music and Swing Street, who were with us 3 different years.

This chapter has been around for a long time, and we are planning to continue bringing you the best “G” rated entertainment in the barbershop style!